Grace Capital Church Blog

1-Year Bible Reading Series for Healthy Living (September: Finances)

Written by By Cheryl Mortimer | May 16, 2023 1:00:00 PM

Welcome Back!  This month we will explore what the Bible teaches about several principles of Finances.  

Do concerns about money keep you awake at night?  Do you wish you had a better understanding of budgeting and how to live free of fears associated with finances?  Do you wonder if it is okay to acquire wealth?  Would you like to learn to rest in the assurance that God will provide what you truly need?  

If you’ve been around church much, it would come at no surprise to hear you express discomfort in how money is talked about from the pulpit.  It is a touchy topic, for sure!  

But, God teaches about this dynamic and multifaceted subject so that the benefits of wisdom can be experienced in many areas of your life.  And it involves more aspects than just giving to the church!

Would you like to enjoy what you have, trust God to provide what you need, understand how to approach earning and saving, and gain more freedom in being generous?  Through these readings, your scope of knowledge will broaden, your insight will mature, your wisdom will expand, and your sense of security will become more grounded.

Are you ready to get started growing closer to God and improving your life?

Let’s go…

September - Finances

I have rarely heard sermons on finances that go beyond the one subject of “tithes and offering.” 

But God has so much more to say about riches than just giving!  In fact,  riches are mentioned 2,500 times in the Bible and only some of those times are specifically about tithes and offerings.

It is unfortunate that churches miss the opportunity to teach a wider range of money principles.  It would surely help set many people free of worries, idolizing possessions, and fears of enjoying what God has given them.    

Whether you are a high earner or struggle to pay your bills, save a lot or spend beyond your means, give generously or hold too tightly to your assets, these Scriptures will help liberate you from being controlled by money.  

Week 1:  Attitude

The way you see wealth is a determining factor in how it impacts your life.  Lots of considerations contribute to your perspective and emotions.  It is important to understand the attitude you bring to money.  

Money is a tool used to provide for basic needs.  And, there, my friend, is why it holds such a place of value in the hearts and minds of most people.  After all, don’t you want to have a warm meal, a roof over your head, and clothes on your back?

When living responsibly by providing your basic needs is absent of dependence on God, fear and greed can take over.  

In this week’s Scriptures, consider what the Lord teaches about the role wealth should play in your life.

Sep 1

2 Kings 5

Honesty versus Greedy Deception

Sep 2

Malachi 3

Honest Tithing

Sep 3

Acts 5:1-11

Prideful Giving

Sep 4

Nehemiah 5

Don’t Take Advantage of People

Sep 5

Matthew 6:19-24

Lay Up Treasures in Heaven

Sep 6

1 Timothy 6

Loving Money is Destructive

Sep 7

Ecclesiastes 5

Vanity of Riches

Week 2:  Earning

Working is a basic principle of life.  From the very beginning of creation, people have been required to work in order to provide food and shelter for themselves.  

Even if your financial needs are provided for without earning a paycheck, you can do something to contribute to your family’s needs and to society in general.  Cooking dinner, doing laundry, watching a neighbor’s child or pet, sweeping the sidewalk, writing letters, or helping at a food pantry are all ways to play a part in making the world a better place.    

The readings for this week teach about the importance of working to the best of your ability, as well as treating workers well.   

Sep 8

2 Thessalonians 3

Work for Food rather than Being Idle

Sep 9

Luke 16

Treating Money as a God Leads to Destruction

Sep 10

2 Kings 4:1-7

God Provides for a Widow Through Elisha

Sep 11

James 5:1-6

Pay a Fair Wage

Sep 12

Proverbs 6:6-11

Work Diligently

Sep 13

Amos 4

The Work of Your Hands is a Gift From God

Sep 14

Amos 9:11-15

Your Work is Fruitful When You Honor God

Week 3:  Giving

God tells us to give in a couple of ways:  give Him our “first fruits” (also referred to as tithes and offerings), and give to those in need.  

Ok, so the part about helping those in need is easy to understand.  For most people, it is a principle that is also easy to accept.  You may be naturally generous.  Or, you may be interested in aiding people but wonder how to contribute effectively without enabling benefactors to become over-dependent.  Or, maybe you're of the thought that everyone needs to earn their way and, therefore, providing financial assistance is not something you choose to do.   

But, what about the part about giving to God?  Does God need your money?  And, if not, why does He ask for it?  

They’re important questions that deserve an answer.  

The Lord asks believers to give back to Him so money does not become a lord of our lives.  Money is a terrible god!  A life centered around wealth is a far cry from the kind of life God wants for His people.  That is not to say that Christians cannot be wealthy; it simply means that Christians are not to let possessions control them.  Therefore, it is out of love that He asks us to give back to Him.

As you read the Bible passages this week, ask God to speak to the areas of fear, pride, and selfishness that may be residing in your heart.  Ask Him to set you free from the control money has on your life, and to trust Him to provide for all your needs.

Sep 15

Deuteronomy 14:22-29


Sep 16

Leviticus 25:8-55

Caring for the Poor

Sep 17

1 Chronicles 29

Temple Offerings

Sep 18

Matthew 6:1-4

Giving to Those in Need

Sep 19

Romans 15:14-32

Give to Your Fellow Believers

Sep 20

1 Corinthians 16:1-4

Give to the Saints

Sep 21

2 Corinthians 9

Collection for the Believers

Week 4+:  Spending & Saving

Do you consider yourself more of a spender or saver?  Do you buy things shortly after receiving funds or do you tend to be overly afraid to spend money?  How are you affected by appearances of wealth?  Does your bank account or your mode of transportation impact how you feel about yourself?  

Your habits in this area of life were likely developed in large part by what you observed and experienced as a child.  Perhaps you grew up poor or rich.  Maybe a parent worried about money or made the acquisition of wealth their biggest goal in life.  Take some time to think about what messages you received about finances and how they have shaped your life.  Understanding yourself is the first step in being transformed.

This week's readings will prompt thought as they consider various perspectives impacting spending and saving decisions.  As you read them, ask God what He wants you to receive from these passages.

Sep 22

Luke 7:36-50

Anointing Jesus’ Feet With Expensive Perfume

Sep 23

Proverbs 19

How to View Money

Sep 24

Proverbs 21

How to View Money

Sep 25

2 Corinthians 8:1-15

Reciprocal Abundance Helps One Another 

Sep 26

Amos 6:1-8

Gluttonous Living Has Consequences

Sep 27

1 Timothy 5:1-16

Provide For Your Household

Sep 28

Proverbs 22 & Proverbs 13

Words of Wisdom About Money

Sep 29

Proverbs 11

Wealth Cannot Save You

Jul 30

Matthew 25:14-30

Use What You Have to Build the Kingdom of God

Where to Go From Here

You will reap many benefits by seeking God - your loving Heavenly Father - for guidance on money.  Because wealth is used to provide for basic human needs, it can easily become too valued and, therefore, control many aspects of your life.

God wants you to rest in and enjoy His provisions.  By asking Him to help you understand your fears and feelings and to show you His ways, you will find more purpose in earning money, giving generously, spending and saving wisely, and enjoying the things He has given you.

Join me in October when we will consider what the Bible teaches about Mindset.

See you tomorrow!

Other articles in this series:

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