Welcome Back! This month we will look at some hints found in Scripture suggesting that Recreation is an important part of a full life.
What are your pastimes? If it’s hard to name your hobbies or interests, think back to how you played as a child. Do you tend to be overly serious or too busy to recreate on a regular basis? Do you ever feel like the idea of having fun isn’t compatible with being a Christian?
Would you like to spend more time enjoying activities without it getting in the way of a life devoted to God?
Then these Bible readings and reflections are just what you need to help bring more fun into your life!
[If you'd like a brief general overview of the Bible before jumping into specific passages, read: Bible Recap 101: Your Essential Guide to the Bible's Core Storyline.]
Are you ready to get started growing closer to God and improving your life?
Let’s go…
May - Recreation
Recreation provides a break from work in a way that is different from rest. Refreshment and renewal are received through play. Engaging in pastimes helps you become more well-rounded and get in touch with the full spectrum of how God made you. Without any intentional effort, it helps free your mind of worries, teaches you about yourself, gives you ways of relating to others, and improves many of your skills…and it’s just plain fun!
Before we go any further, take a few moments to think of someone you would like to get together with - a friend, family or church member, neighbor, or coworker with whom you share a hobby. Connect, set a time to meet up, and have fun…and while you’re at it, enjoy these Bible readings together. You may just find both of your lives enhanced and your connection with God strengthened.
Week 1: The Lord's Example
As our Savior, Jesus came to suffer and die for us so that we may receive reconciliation with the Lord and eternal life through His resurrection. Heavy stuff! It’s the most important “stuff” of life, actually.
But let’s not forget that Jesus was fully human. He came to us as a baby and grew up from childhood to adulthood. He played just like every other human being. The Bible doesn’t specify what games or toys were enjoyed; it does, however, say a lot about a few other common forms of recreation: parties, singing, playing instruments, and dancing.
In this week’s Bible passages, notice how the Lord designed these types of activities and how Jesus took part in them. (Check out this video to hear the Hallel.)
May 1 |
God Sings Over You |
May 2 |
Prophecy Of The Heavenly Banquet |
May 3 |
Wedding At Cana |
May 4 |
Jesus Sings The Hallel With The Disciples |
May 5 |
Jesus Sings From David’s Prophetic Psalm |
May 6 |
Avoid Destructive Forms Of Recreation |
May 7 |
Jesus Sing From David’s Prophetic Psalm |
Week 2: Holy Days and Festivals
The Bible is full of celebrations. In the Old Testament, you can read about Jewish holidays still observed today. In the New Testament, you will find an invitation to and description of the greatest party of all - the Heavenly Banquet, still yet to come.
These religious days where all believers - young and old - gathered together to celebrate included festivities like music, food, dancing, and play. (To learn more about what observing the weekly Sabbath looks like for many Jews, check out this article.)
As you read the Scriptures for this week, try to envision how God blessed His people through these holy days.
May 8 |
The Sabbath Year |
May 9 |
The Passover & Feast Of Unleavened Bread |
May 10 |
The Feast Of First Fruits |
May 11 |
Feast of Weeks, Trumpets, Booths & Atonement |
May 12 |
God Instructs The Jews To Celebrate Purim Annually |
May 13 |
The Invitation To The Best Party Comes From Jesus |
May 14 |
A Heavenly Banquet To Come |
Week 3: Enjoying God's Playground: Nature
Many forms of recreation take place outside. Hiking, kayaking, photography, bird watching, flying drones, reading, walking on the beach… God’s creation is meant for you to enjoy; and delighting in it brings glory to the Creator.
How about reaching out to that person in your life you’d like to connect with while having fun engaging in an outdoor hobby or new activity?
This week, as you read God’s Word, take pleasure imagining the mountains and trees praising God in song.
May 15 |
Skies, Seas, Mountains & Animals Praise God |
May 16 |
God’s Creation Is Meant To Be Enjoyed |
May 17 |
Savor The Mountains, Heavens & Animals |
May 18 |
Nature Will Be Fully Restored for Us to Enjoy |
May 19 |
The Mountains & Forest Cry Out |
May 20 |
Come Hear God In The Mountains |
May 21 |
The Sky & Seas Reflect God |
Week 4: Music (Singing, Dancing, & Playing Instruments)
Music is a key element of God’s Story; in fact, it is mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible. People express exuberance through song and dance; and taking part in musical expressions will bring you pleasure. So, pick up that instrument, raise your voice, or get your groove on!
Even if you are not gifted with this artistic form, you were built to benefit from music. I should know! I’m such a bad singer that whenever my family does karaoke at home, we all laugh so hard that I can’t make it through a whole song.
As you read these passages, consider the role music played in the life of believers and how it can become a bigger part of your life.
May 22 |
Praising God Through Music Makes Us Glad |
May 23 |
Exuberantly Displaying Joy Honors God |
May 24 |
Gladen Your Heart With Singing |
May 25 |
Delight In Singing & Musical Instruments |
May 26 |
Have Fun With Music & Dancing |
May 27 |
Playing Music & Dancing Praises God |
May 28 |
Workers Need To Take Breaks |
May 29 |
Moses & Miriam Lead a Celebration |
May 30 |
Deborah & Barak Lead a Celebration |
May 31 |
Some Celebrate & Some Do Not |
Where to Go From Here
Recreation supports spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and relational wellness. God has filled the earth with things meant to be fun. Taking part in pastimes brings more abundance to your life and glorifies God.
What did you do for fun this month? Share it with us in the Comment section below!
Join me again in June when we will read what God says about Family.
How about combining the lessons from this month with next by doing some fun things with you family in June?!
See you tomorrow!
Articles in this series:
- January - Fitness
- February - Sleep & Rest
- March - Nutrition
- April - Stress Management
- May - Recreation
- June - Family
- July - Work
- August - Faith
- September - Finances
- October - Mindset
- November - Relationships
- December - Making Plans
Do you want to learn more about the Bible or how to become a Christian?
Check out these articles:
- Bible Recap 101: Your Essential Guide to the Bible's Core Storyline
- How to Become a Christian in 2 Life-Saving Steps
Are you looking for a church? Check out these articles:
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