Welcome Back! This month - with the holiday sweets behind us - we are focusing on Nutrition.
Are you feeling frustrated with your eating habits? Do you consume too many calories, or wait too long to eat? Have you tried improving your menu choices but slide back to your favorite comfort foods because you don’t know what else to eat or lack the willpower to follow through?
Do you wish you could experience more victory in the area of nutrition?
You are not alone!
In fact, there are more Americans dieting now than just ten years ago. Anyone looking for dieting ideas or advice, need only do a quick Google search to find a plethora of information on everything from stress eating to making your favorite dishes healthier to daily intake recommendations to eating disorders; and then there’s the seemingly endless types of diet plans.
Wherever you are in your nutrition journey - whether you’re trying to lose weight, gain weight, or make healthier choices - God wants to help you!
Spending a few moments each day reading these Bible excerpts will encourage you and improve your perspective on food, leading to healthier choices.
[If you'd like a brief general overview of the Bible before jumping into specific passages, read: Bible Recap 101: Your Essential Guide to the Bible's Core Storyline.]
Are you ready to get started growing closer to God and improving your life?
Let’s go…
March - Nutrition
As the very One who made you, God knows just what you need in order to experience His victory in your life. Jesus taught, it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks…and eats - if I might venture to say.
Modern medicine shows us that poor nutrition can lead to (among other things) heart disease. While this is true, God shows us that He is the only One who can heal our spiritually diseased hearts. That is why beginning your nutrition journey by seeking God first (and continually) will bring better results no matter what type of eating plan you follow.
Making lasting changes can only happen - as the apostle Paul taught - with God’s divine inspiration and power.
In this month’s Bible passages, you will receive guidance, encouragement, spiritual healing, divine inspiration, and power. And if you team up with a friend or family member, you will gain even more oomph for the journey!
Week 1: God Wants You to Enjoy What He Provides
Did you know that food is mentioned over 1,000 times in the Bible? If you take a moment to think of the many amazing foods in our world, it is easy to see that God has given so much that He wants you to enjoy.
Research shows that enjoying food increases nutrient absorption and improves self-regulation. By giving yourself freedom to enjoy what God gives you, you can learn to eat intuitively rather than being controlled by rigid eating plans.
As you read this week’s Scriptures, notice the miraculous ways God provides food and encourages you to partake of it with a glad and grateful heart.
Mar 1 |
God Feeds the Israelites in the Wilderness |
Mar 2 |
God Sends Bread & Meat from the Sky |
Mar 3 |
The Jews Enjoy the Produce of the Promised Land |
Mar 4 |
God Sends Ravens & a Widow to Feed Elijah |
Mar 5 |
Enjoy Your Life & God’s Provisions |
Mar 6 |
Jesus Declares All Food Good |
Mar 7 |
God Gives Good Food to Enjoy |
Week 2: You Need Water and Spiritual Food
75% of Americans are dehydrated. In addition, 75% of Americans eat to feed their emotions. Some causes of this include busyness, stress, and misinterpreting thirst for hunger. It is hard to miss the irony that while busyness can lead to physical dehydration and emotional hunger, it also leads to spiritual dehydration and hunger.
We are physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual beings. God cares about every aspect of you. That is why His Word is filled with inspirational stories, wisdom, instructions, and encouragement.
This week, let these Bible passages minister to your whole being. Ask God to help you take in the spiritual food and water you need to help you live abundantly.
Mar 8 |
God Makes Bitter Water Sweet |
Mar 9 |
God Brings Water from a Rock |
Mar 10 |
Water Flowing from the Temple |
Mar 11 |
Loving & Serving God Leads to Fullness |
Mar 12 |
Physical Food Cannot Fill Spiritual Needs |
Mar 13 |
Temptation of Jesus |
Mar 14 |
Living Water & Spiritual Food is Knowing & Following God |
Week 3: How To & Not To Eat
God gave dietary laws to ancient Hebrews for three purposes: physical wellbeing, devotion to God, and community cohesiveness. Christians today do not need to follow these Levitical laws about food.
But, having healthy boundaries in regard to perspectives and habits of eating can help you keep food in its proper place of priority in your life. By following God’s guidance on the best attitude to have about eating, you can receive more freedom to enjoy what He gives you.
As you read what God’s Word says this week, take note of the spirit of love behind our Heavenly Father’s instructions.
Mar 15 |
God Encourages Elijah to Eat During His Depression |
Mar 16 |
Don’t Be Gluttonous |
Mar 17 |
Eat With Self-Control |
Mar 18 |
How & Why to Fast |
Mar 19 |
Eat What Honors God |
Mar 20 |
Be Filled With All of God’s Goodness |
Mar 21 |
Israel Restored & Blessed |
Week 4+: Fellowship With God & One Another
In our fast-paced society it is easy to forget that eating is intended to be a community experience that engages all our senses. Many people skip meals or scoff down convenience foods in order to proceed with their frenetic and unrealistic agenda-driven schedules. Today, only 30% of families regularly eat meals together.
By slowing down and enjoying a meal with family or friends, you can nourish not only your body but also your heart. Additionally, through growing healthy relationships and sharing your nutrition goals, you will discover an increasing sense of power and motivation to stay on track.
As you read these passages, notice how commonplace it was for the Jews and first century Christians to have meals together. Ask God to help you find a way to make mealtime a community experience.
Mar 22 |
The First Passover Meal |
Mar 23 |
A Passover Feast to Rededicate & Unite Jews |
Mar 24 |
Josiah Gives a Generous Passover Feast |
Mar 25 |
Returned Exiles Celebrate a Passover Feast |
Mar 26 |
Jews Feast to Celebrate Recommitment |
Mar 27 |
Jesus Feeds the 5,000 |
Mar 28 |
Jesus Feeds the 4,000 |
Mar 29 |
The Lord’s Supper |
Mar 30 |
The Risen Lord Shares a Meal with the Disciples |
Mar 31 |
Early Christians Share Meals Together |
Where to Go From Here
By enjoying the many foods God has made and gives to you, receiving the spiritual food and water available to you through His Word and Spirit, following His guidance in gaining the best attitude toward food, and partaking of meals with loved ones, you can experience more victory in the area of nutrition.
Did you learn anything from the Bible or find a particular excerpt or two especially helpful? Share it with us in the Comment section below!
Join me again in April when we will look at ways God helps us in the area of Stress Management.
Just the thought of learning better ways to respond to stress brings me a big sigh of relief!
Ask a friend to pray for you in April that you will find more peace and contentment as you begin meditating on some powerful Scriptures next month.
Articles in this series:
- January - Fitness
- February - Sleep & Rest
- March - Nutrition
- April - Stress Management
- May - Recreation
- June - Family
- July - Work
- August - Faith
- September - Finances
- October - Mindset
- November - Relationships
- December - Making Plans
Do you want to learn more about the Bible or how to become a Christian?
Check out these articles:
- Bible Recap 101: Your Essential Guide to the Bible's Core Storyline
- How to Become a Christian in 2 Life-Saving Steps
Are you looking for a church? Check out these articles:
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