Grace Capital Church Blog

1-Year Bible Reading Series for Healthy Living (July: Work)

Written by By Cheryl Mortimer | Apr 18, 2023 1:00:00 PM

Welcome Back!  This month we will be reading what the Bible says about Work.

Do work-related pressures or aspirations bog you down?  Are there areas of your life where you invest too much effort and other areas where you could try a little harder?  Do you struggle with feelings of guilt for not doing enough or for being too busy with work?

Then this month’s Bible readings are for you! 

God cares what you do with your time and talents.  He cares about your dreams and ambitions.  Whether you think your job is important or unimportant, God wants you to feel fulfilled in the work you do.  In fact, every job, if done with the right motivation, is more meaningful than you might imagine!    

The Lord knows what you are designed to do and how you can be pleased in your work. Come to God's Word this month ready to receive His guidance, encouragement, and wisdom in balancing, prioritizing, and enjoying all the work involved in your day.  

[For some reflection, check out this article:  Does God Want You to Rediscover Your Childhood Dreams?]

Are you ready to get started growing closer to God and improving your life?

Let’s go…

July - Work

Whether you are a homemaker, retiree, have a full-time career, a part-time job, or a volunteer role, you spend a large portion of your day working.  Many of us can struggle at times in setting healthy boundaries and can end up either working too much or too little - or a mix where some tasks and responsibilities get an over-abundance of time while other areas are starving for attention.

Work has a big impact on many other topics of healthy living covered in this Bible reading plan, like stress management, sleep, and relationships. By doing some soul searching through Scripture reading and prayer you will be able to better identify your purpose, priorities, identity, and life-work balance.

So, carve out some time to look into God’s Word and ask Him to reveal what will help you keep work in its proper place.

Week 1:  Purpose, Priorities & Identity

You’ve probably heard children asked what they want to be when they grow up; you may even have been asked this as a child.  While it is healthy to have dreams and aspirations, it is important to avoid the trap of finding your core identity in the work you do. [Does God Want You to Rediscover Your Childhood Dreams?]

Defining your job’s purpose, rather than letting it define you, will help you hone in on what will bring the most vitality to your life. 

In this week’s Scriptures, you will read about how work meets physical needs and provides a sense of purpose, how focusing on the Lord impacts your effectiveness, and how putting money and power over God is destructive.

Jul 1

Proverbs 27:18-27

Tend to What You Have

Jul 2

Proverbs 28

Work your land

Jul 3

Ecclesiastes 1 & 12:13-14

All But Following God is Vanity

Jul 4

Ecclesiastes 3

A Time for Everything

Jul 5

Haggai 1

Not Putting God First Brings Your Work to Naught 

Jul 6

Matthew 26:1-25

Judas Chose Money & Power Over People

Jul 7

John 18

Jesus Fulfilled His Purpose

Week 2:  Spiritual Works

Beyond task-oriented “jobs”, are spiritually-oriented “works”.  While works do not make you a Christian, a life without works indicates that something spiritual is awry.

The Bible tells us that each person was uniquely and perfectly created to fulfill a higher purpose specially selected by God.  You are intended to make a positive difference in this world that cannot be replaced by someone else.  Isn’t that amazing?  

This week, let these Bible passages inspire you to remember that you are important and irreplaceable.  Ask God to show you the good works that He has designed for you, and protect you from letting temporary worldly pursuits replace those activities that will make an eternal difference and help you experience abundant life.  

Jul 8

2 Thessalonians 2

 Good Works

Jul 9

Ecclesiastes 2


Jul 10

Joshua 1

Joseph is Commissioned to Lead Faithfully

Jul 11

Matthew 19:16-30


The Rich Man

Jul 12

Galatians 3

Faith & Works

Jul 13

Matthew 9:35-38

Pray For Workers

Jul 14

Matthew 10

Team Up & Don’t Give Up

Week 3:  Serving Others

It is God’s purpose that Christians serve one another.  As previously mentioned, it's not what we do that saves us, it is who we believe.  But with belief and genuine devotion, service naturally follows.

As you read what the Bible says this week, notice the sacrifices that were made.  Ask the Lord to help you serve out of devotion to Him so you will wisely work in God-focused ways rather than fostering unhealthy co-dependent relationships.

Jul 15

Exodus 3-4:17

Moses Says Yes to God’s Assignment

Jul 16

1 Kings 3

Solomon Asks God to Help Him Rule Wisely

Jul 17

Ephesians 6:5-9

Work Unto God Not Man

Jul 18

Colossians 1

Paul Suffers in Fulfilling the Great Commision

Jul 19

Colossians 4

Paul’s Companions Serve at Great Personal Cost

Jul 20

1 Peter 5

Shepherd the Flock

Jul 21

Genesis 39-41

Joseph Served While in Prison & in Leadership

Week 4+:  Work Enough, Not Too Much

Many factors go into a person’s decisions regarding how much time and attention is given to work and daily responsibilities.  Financial goals, titles, perfectionism, disinterest, fatigue, people-pleasing, fear, and even laziness (as much as I prefer not to use that word).   

Whether or not your worklife is properly prioritized, or your boundaries are aligned in defining where your personal responsibility begins and ends, God's Word gives insight on what balance looks like.  God can give you wisdom and fortitude to align your priorities with His direction.

Ask God to show you what you need to see in these Scriptures so you can invest your time responsibly, lovingly, and wisely.

Jul 22

Psalm 92

Staying Connected to God Eases Work

Jul 23

Genesis 3

By the Sweat of Your Brow

Jul 24

Proverbs 13

Diligence vs. Idleness

Jul 25

Luke 10:38-42

Mary, Martha and Jesus

Jul 26

Proverbs 24:30-34

Don’t Be a Sluggard

Jul 27

2 Thessalonians 3

Work For Your Food

Jul 28

Ruth 2

Ruth Works the Field for Food

Jul 29

Exodus 23:10-19


Rest is Important

Jul 30

1 Thessalonians 5

Don’t Give Up Laboring

Jul 31

Numbers 11

Teamwork is Essential

Where to Go From Here

By seeking God first, you will gain insight in prioritizing your focus of attention, recognize the good works the Lord has created you for, be inspired to serve others, receive strength to persist in difficult jobs, and know that your identity is securely in Him rather than in your performance.  

What is your favorite thing to do for others?  Share it with us in the Comment section below!

Join me again in August when we will explore what the Scriptures say about Faith. 

See you tomorrow!

Articles in this series: 

Do you want to learn more about the Bible or how to become a Christian?

Check out these articles:

  1. Bible Recap 101: Your Essential Guide to the Bible's Core Storyline
  2. How to Become a Christian in 2 Life-Saving Steps

Are you looking for a church? Check out these articles:

  1. 3 Essential Beliefs All Christian Churches Share
  2. 6 Tips for Choosing the Right Church For You