Grace Capital Church Blog

1-Year Bible Reading Series for Healthy Living (January: Fitness)

Written by By Cheryl Mortimer | Dec 29, 2022 2:00:00 PM

Do you have a goal to improve your life?  Maybe you want to overhaul your diet or get more active.  Maybe you want to develop better relationships or learn how to keep stress from overtaking your day.  Maybe you're trying to figure how to have balance in your life and what that looks like.

What if I told you that spending a few moments each day reading hand-picked Bible excerpts can help you reach your goals?

The Bible is overflowing with principles of life that build a firm foundation - leading to balance, healthful living, positive habits, and soul satisfaction. 

Though there are a large array of Bible reading plans available right at your fingertips (whether on reading through the whole Bible, chronological events, prophecies, or the life of Christ...), with our society's growing awareness of living one’s best life, it seemed fitting to offer a thematic layout on healthy living.

With this plan, throughout the next twelve months, you will gain inspiration in a dozen different areas that will help you thrive.   [Don't worry if it's not January!  You can begin any time!  Just click on the current month, find today's date, and begin your journey of growth.]

If you'd like a brief general overview of the Bible before jumping into specific passages, read:  Bible Recap 101: Your Essential Guide to the Bible's Core Storyline.

Here is what the Year Will Look Like:

Each month is broken into four subcategories (one per week) allowing you to learn about each principle from various angles.  

Finding inspiration, motivation, and perseverance in making positive changes in your life can be challenging.  Anything that helps is invaluable.

So, why not try reading what God - our very Creator - has to say about these elements of healthy living? God’s Word is the wisest guidebook you could ever explore.  It is personal; in fact, it is like a love letter or love story from the One who made you.  Receiving daily encouragement from Him will go a long way.

Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Experience:

  • Extend grace to yourself if you miss a day…or even a month.  Remember that any passages you do read will be a blessing to you.  
  • Forget about yesterday and live for today.  One of the best features of a daily plan is that if you do fall behind, you can just jump right back in by reading the present day’s selection.
  • Consider asking a friend if they would like to take this healthy living journey with you.

Are you ready to get started growing closer to God and improving your life?

Let’s go…

January - Fitness 

With 36.5% of Americans being obese, it is no surprise that new year’s resolutions stimulate a remarkable increase in gym memberships in January.  But then, just six months later, about half of new members quit.

What can help you persist at staying active?

Week 1:  Enjoying Nature

The Apostle Paul said in the book of Romans, that God reveals Himself through all that He has made.  Scripture is filled with references to nature.  There is much we can learn and many ways we can grow simply by getting out and observing God’s creation.

So, whether it is through gardening, walking at sunset, hiking, bird-watching treks, snowshoeing, swimming, or running with your dog…get out and enjoy all that God has made...and while you're at it, reflect on these verses.  

Jan 1

Genesis 1

The Beginning

Jan 2

Psalm 8

His Majesty in the Earth

Jan 3

Psalm 95

Sing to the Creator

Jan 4

Psalm 104

God, the Architect

Jan 5

Job 38

God, the Director - part 1

Jan 6

Job 39

God, the Director - part 2

Jan 7

Psalm 1

Reap through Meditation


Week 2:  Exercising Together

Exercise was a way of life for ancient peoples.  Hard labor, gardening, traveling by foot, and shepherding were all daily forms of physical activity.  Coupled with this, community was a mainstay.  Surely, the trials of the exertion required for their livelihood were eased by being alongside one another. 

Stay active together!  Ask a fellow Christian, family member, friend, or neighbor to join you for a walk.  (Interestingly, walking is very beneficial despite it often being falsely undervalued.  Plus, it is free and can be done as often as you like.) 

While you're exercising, discuss these passages.

Don't have anyone to go with you?  Call someone while you're exercising.  Your friend could read the day's passage aloud and then you two can share your thoughts.

Jan 8

Genesis 12:1-9

Abram and his household walk from Ur to Canaan

Jan 9

Deuteronomy 8

Israelites walk from Egypt to the Promised Land 

Jan 10

Ezra 1:1-2:2

First Group of Exiles walk from Persia to Jerusalem

Jan 11

Ezra 7

Second Group of Exiles walk from Persia to Jerusalem

Jan 12

Nehemiah 1-2

Third Group of Exiles walk from Persia to Jerusalem

Jan 13

Matthew 1:18-2:23  

From Nazareth to Bethlehem to Egypt and Back 

Jan 14

Luke 9:51-10:24

Jesus sends out believers two by two


Week 3:  Overcoming Barriers

Exercise is a good metaphor for overcoming challenges through perseverance.  So, it is no surprise that there are more than a dozen references to athletics in the Bible.  

Often, once we get started tackling a difficulty, we soon find that what looked like a barrier was just a false perception all along. 

As you exercise, think about how you can apply your grit to other obstacles in your life. Find inspiration in taking those first steps and gain encouragement in persisting by reading and meditating on these passages.

Jan 15

Philippians 4

You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you

Jan 16

Isaiah 40:28-31

The Lord will renew your strength

Jan 17

2 Timothy 2

Stay focused on the correct goals and don't waste your energy on foolish wrangling

Jan 18

James 1

Facing trials produces perseverance

Jan 19

Romans 5

Being justified through Jesus' suffering, you have full access to God's grace which empowers you to withstand suffering

Jan 20

Romans 8

Jesus has freed you from condemnation and from ongoingly succumbing to your every craving or desire

Jan 21

Philippians 1:12-30

Strive together, rejoicing that Christ is being proclaimed through your suffering

Week 4+:  Safeguarding against Idolizing Exercise or Image

In a culture that has a seemingly insatiable appetite for physical beauty and sexual gratification, the trap of idolizing the body can sneakily ensnare most anyone. 

We are continually bombarded with images that can awaken feelings of both pride and shame and can raise up intense determination to achieve the outward appearance that is most highly valued.

Don't cheapen the abundant life God wants you to enjoy by falling for this trap of idolatry.  While exercising, develop wisdom and true focus by taking in these excerpts.

Jan 22

Romans 12

Your body is a living sacrifice to the Lord

Jan 23

1 Corinthians 12

God has given you gifts and talents that can be used to help others

Jan 24

1 Corinthians 15

Christ's resurrection is the assurance you have that your life and how you live matters

Jan 25

2 Corinthians 4:6-18

On the outside, your body may be breaking down but on the inside your strength is being renewed daily

Jan 26

2 Corinthians 5

You are a new creation through Christ and can help others be reconciled to God

Jan 27

2 Corinthians 6

Believers are the temple of God and should not enter into commitments leading to compromises of faith

Jan 28

2 Corinthians 11

If you boast, let it be only about what gets onlookers' eyes off you and onto Jesus

Jan 29

2 Corinthians 12:1-10

God's power in you is strongest when you are weak

Jan 30

2 Corinthians 13

Repent from letting your passions and desires be more prioritized than God, and instead, be built up in him

Jan 31

1 Timothy 4:6-10

Training in godliness is of more value than bodily training

Where to Go From Here

You made it! 

How did your exercise go?  Did you discover any new activities or are there any you'd like to try out now?  Did you find a partner or two to help you stay active or is there someone in mind you'd like to ask? 

Whether you exercised enough or not, you began to develop good brain pathways and muscle memory, making it more natural for you to keep going (or restart) your physical activity.

Did you learn anything from the Bible or find a particular excerpt or two especially helpful?

Whether you read all the passages or not, God is and will continue using his Word to accomplish in you all that he desires for your good and his glory.  You will reap benefits for days and months and years to come.  

Join me again in February when we will learn about and grow in the area of Sleep and Rest.

It is a subject that is sure to bring relief to your life!  It may be a topic that feels foreign or even unattainable with your schedule. 

Give it a go and I promise you that you will gain more quality of life, better relationships, increased effective productivity...and you may even lose a few pounds in the process.  (Yes, sleeping is an amazing weight loss tool! How'd you like to sign up for that exercise program?!)  

See you tomorrow!

Articles in this series: 

Do you want to learn more about the Bible or how to become a Christian? Check out these articles:

  1. Bible Recap 101: Your Essential Guide to the Bible's Core Storyline
  2. How to Become a Christian in 2 Life-Saving Steps

Are you looking for a church? Check out these articles:

  1. 3 Essential Beliefs All Christian Churches Share
  2. 6 Tips for Choosing the Right Church For You