Grace Capital Church Blog

1-Year Bible Reading Series for Healthy Living (February: Sleep & Rest)

Written by By Cheryl Mortimer | Jan 24, 2023 2:00:00 PM

Welcome Back!  [If this is your first time visiting us, welcome!  We’re glad you’re here!  Be sure to check out Part 1 on fitness here.]

Are you ready to discover how God’s Word can help you improve another area of your life?

This month, we are focusing on Sleep and Rest.

Do you wish you had more time to rest?  Do you have a hard time slowing down?  Do you have trouble falling asleep because there’s so much on your mind?  When you wake up for the day, do you feel like you didn’t sleep soundly?

Or maybe you’re someone who sleeps and relaxes too much because you feel purposeless, unmotivated, or may be experiencing depression or anxiety.  

Spending a few moments each day reading these Bible excerpts will improve the quality of your respites, bringing you refreshment, restoration, and reinvigoration.

The best Life Manual - the Bible - reveals important truths (over 200, actually) about restorative breaks.  God is the Creator who knows you better than you know yourself, and he is Abba - the Father who loves you enough to show you how to enjoy satisfying rejuvenating rest.  

[If you'd like a brief general overview of the Bible before jumping into specific passages, read:  Bible Recap 101: Your Essential Guide to the Bible's Core Storyline.]

Are you ready to get started growing closer to God and improving your life?

Let’s go…

February - Sleep & Rest 

1 in 3 American adults are sleep deprived while 5% sleep too much.

The average adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep.  

In addition to sleep, we need rest - taking a break to relax, repair, and replenish.  

Effects of deprivation include decreased functional intelligence, emotional stability, and weight control, while the impact of excess can consist of relationship issues and reduced performance of bodily systems - like the circulatory system.

What can help you create healthier habits in this area of your life?

Week 1:  Examples from the Bible

You can learn from others.  Seeing the struggles and successes of those around you can help point you in the right direction and be a source of encouragement.  

Jews in ancient times and first-century Christians learned about the importance of sleep and rest through God’s instructions, and their lives were enhanced when they practiced following his wisdom.

At a casual glance, it is easy to miss the mentions of respite in the historical accounts of people in the Bible.  This week, as you read the passages, take note of the presence and role of this important element of abundant life.    

Feb 1

Genesis 2:1-3

God Rested  

Feb 2

Genesis 2:4-25

Adam Slept & Got a Helper

Feb 3

Genesis 28:10-22

Jacob Slept

Feb 4

Numbers 9:15-23

The Israelites Rested

Feb 5

Matthew 8:23-27

Jesus Slept - 1st Account

Feb 6

Mark 4:35-41

Jesus Slept - 2nd Account

Feb 7

Mark 6:30-46

Jesus and the Disciples Rested


Week 2:  How to Get Sleep & Rest

One of my favorite Christian books is “A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23.”  The author, Phillip Keller, gives invaluable insight into the behavior of sheep.  

As you may know, people are symbolically referred to as sheep many times in the Bible; so, understanding these adorable creatures can bring richness to your perception and application of God’s guidance in his Word.

One fact Keller explains is that sheep are easily frightened and on edge.  The only time they will lie down is when they are assured that someone is watching over them.

Can you relate?  

Let these passages build in you a firm sense of security in the One True God who has many names.  Among other titles, he is El Roi (the God who sees you), El Shaddai (the Almighty God), and Yahweh Shalom (the God of Peace).

Feb 8

Psalm 23

The Shepherd Keeps Watch so You Can Lie Down

Feb 9

Psalm 46

Be Still and Know He is God

Feb 10

Psalm 4

Rest in the Lord who Makes You Safe

Feb 11

Psalm 91

The Most High God is Your Refuge

Feb 12

Psalm 127:1-2

Follow the Lord’s Plan and Receive Sleep

Feb 13

Matthew 11:28-30

Come to Jesus and Find Rest for Your Soul

Feb 14

Hebrews 3:7-4:13

The Sabbath Rest is for the People of God


Week 3:  God Still Works in You when You’re Sleeping 

Research-based advice on addressing sleep dysfunctions is prolific.  While much of the input can be helpful, it cannot replace the assurance needed in knowing God is still at work when you are unaware.

As you read this week’s passages, be encouraged by the historical accounts of how God did some amazing work while people slept.

If you are seeking direction or emotional healing, you might consider praying as I do before going to sleep, saying:  God, please heal all the broken places in my mind and heart - those I see and those I don’t.  And help me to know and follow your ways.

I hope you are as amazed as I have been at how this simple prayer has impacted the way I think, feel, and behave.

Feb 15

Psalm 121

God Never Sleeps & Always Keeps Watch for You

Feb 16

Psalm 37

God Delivers You While You Wait & Take Refuge in Him

Feb 17

Job 33:14-28

God Speaks Through Dreams

Feb 18

Joel 2:28-32

God Reveals Himself Through Dreams & Visions

Feb 19

Psalm 16

You Can Rest Knowing God Keeps You Secure

Feb 20

Daniel 2

God Provides Interpretation of a Dream

Feb 21

Matthew 27:15-26

God Convicts Through Dreams


Week 4+:  When To & Not to Rest

It can be tempting to skip breaks from your day’s work.  Omitting downtime can lead to problems like unhealthy levels of stress, headaches, high blood pressure, and relational conflict.  

Conversely, having too much downtime is harmful too; it can cause feelings of purposelessness, insignificance, and melancholy.  

Find wisdom, clarity, and direction in this week’s Bible readings as you learn to recognize the signs that indicate if you need rest or if you need more activity.

Feb 22

Exodus 20:8-11

God Made a Day of Rest

Feb 23

Proverbs 7

Stay Alert to Wisdom Lest You Fall to Folly

Feb 24

Deuteronomy 5:1-15

Observe the Sabbath

Feb 25

Matthew 12:1-8

Don’t Make the Sabbath Legalistic

Feb 26

Matthew 12:9-14

Jesus Healed on the Sabbath: A Withered Hand 

Feb 27

Mark 14:32-42

Jesus Tells the Disciples to Watch & Pray

Feb 28

John 5:1-17

Jesus Healed on the Sabbath: A Man Who was Infirmed for Decades

Where to Go From Here

By following examples of people in the Bible who chose to rest in the Lord, meditating on Scriptures highlighting God's care, asking him to work in you while you sleep, and listening for his guidance on when to rest and when to be active, you can experience restorative respite from life's pressures.

Join me again in March when we will learn about and experience growth in the area of Nutrition.

It is a subject that is a challenge for many of us.  (By the way, did you know that sleep affects food cravings?)  

By seeking the Lord through prayer and through his Word for the month of March, I believe you will enjoy some victory. 

Tell a friend and partner up for the journey ahead!  Breakthroughs increase when we work together.   

See you tomorrow!

Articles in this series: 

Do you want to learn more about the Bible or how to become a Christian? Check out these articles:

  1. Bible Recap 101: Your Essential Guide to the Bible's Core Storyline
  2. How to Become a Christian in 2 Life-Saving Steps

Are you looking for a church? Check out these articles:

  1. 3 Essential Beliefs All Christian Churches Share
  2. 6 Tips for Choosing the Right Church For You

Dive Deeper into "Living SOZO" 

Ever wondered about the deeper meanings behind the word "saved"? Dive into the richness of the Greek translation with our comprehensive guide, "Living SOZO." Unlock transformative insights, engage with thought-provoking activities, and connect more deeply with your spiritual journey. Embrace the full power of "sozo" and transform your life today!

👇 Click the link below to discover "Living SOZO." 👇