Have you ever felt like you're wandering in circles? Struggling with the same things over and over? Do you feel like progress is stalled, like growth is taking way longer than it should? Maybe you've thought, "I was supposed to be further along by now." Is God holding you back? Do you want to explore whether your mindset, something destructive you're holding onto, or your inner dialogue may be keeping you stuck, preventing you from stepping into the future?
It’s so easy to dwell on past mistakes and hardships, and let those things keep us from walking in the plans and purposes God has for us. And then, there's complaining, doubt, and disobedience, which can actually extending our “desert season” far beyond what God ever intended?
The truth is, deserts in our lives serve a purpose. God can use them for significant growth. But we also have to ask ourselves: Am I stuck here longer than God planned?
The Israelites' journey to the Promised Land should have taken just 11 days, but instead, it took 40 years (Deuteronomy 1:2-3). Why? They kept themselves stuck. Let’s learn from their experience so we don’t make the same mistakes.
In this article, you will learn three key reasons we stay in the wilderness longer than we should, questions to help determine where you're at, and tips for moving forward.
3 Causes of Getting Stuck in the Wilderness
1. Looking Backwards Sabotages Today
One of the biggest mistakes the Israelites made was longing for the past. Even though God had miraculously freed them from slavery, they complained about their current situation and wanted to go back.
“Would that we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the meat pots and ate bread to the full, for you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger.” (Exodus 16:3 ESV)
Really? They wanted to go back to slavery because they were hungry? That’s how distorted our thinking can become when we’re stuck in the past.
Sometimes, in tough seasons, it can be easy to think, "Circumstances weren't this bad before." But, doing that is like trying to drive forward while staring in the rearview mirror—you’re going to crash. If all we do is reminisce about “the good old days” or dwell on past hurts, we miss what God is doing now.
“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:19 ESV)
God is always moving forward. Are you?
2. Complaining Stalls Progress
Do you like being around complainers? Probably not. But let’s be honest—sometimes we are the complainers.
The Israelites grumbled constantly. Even though God provided manna, quail, and water, they kept focusing on what they didn’t have instead of what they did.
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18 ESV)
Complaining shifts our focus away from God’s goodness. Instead of recognizing His provision, we start seeing what we lack. On the other hand, gratitude shifts our perspective and keeps us moving forward. If you feel stuck, start thanking God for what you do have instead of complaining about what you don’t.
3. Disobedience Blocks God’s Promises
The Israelites' fear and disobedience delayed their ability to receive God's promises. When the Hebrew spies went to scout the Promised Land, only Joshua and Caleb believed God would help them take over the land. The other ten spread fear and doubt, causing the people to refuse to move forward.
“And they said to one another, ‘Let us choose a leader and go back to Egypt.’” (Numbers 14:4 ESV)
God had already promised them the land, but they refused to trust Him. Their fear kept them from moving forward.
Is there something God has asked you to do, but you’ve hesitated? Have you let fear or excuses keep you from stepping into the unknown? Disobedience—whether outright or through delayed obedience—can keep you wandering in the wilderness longer than necessary.
We can all learn from Moses who missed entering the Promised Land because of a moment of disobedience (Numbers 20:7-12). God takes obedience seriously, and so should we.
Questions to Contemplate
If you feel stuck and want to break free, it’s time to ask yourself:
Am I looking backward instead of forward?
Am I complaining instead of trusting?
Am I hesitating in obedience?
The wilderness is not meant to be your permanent address. God has a Promised Land for you, but it requires trust, gratitude, and obedience to step into it.
3 Tips to Move Forward:
Shift Your Focus – Stop looking back and start cueing into what God is doing next.
Speak Life – Replace complaining with gratitude and with declaring God’s promises.
Take the Next Step – Obedience, even in the small things, opens the door to bigger things.
Key Takeaway
Jesus Himself showed us how to navigate the wilderness. When He was led by the Spirit into the desert, He responded to every temptation with God’s Word (Matthew 4:1-11). He didn’t complain, look back, or hesitate—He stood firm in truth. If we want to break free from our wilderness, we must follow Jesus’ example.
“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23 ESV)
Following Jesus means trusting God’s plan, surrendering our own desires, and walking in obedience. So, let’s stop wandering and start walking forward. God is doing a new thing—do you perceive it?
Continue Reading:
- Does God Want You to Rediscover Your Childhood Dreams?
- Journey to Freedom: Where Freedom is Lost or Gained
- When You Mess Up: Learn from Moses' Mistakes & Rededication to God
- What Gratitude Is and Isn't & How to Unleash its Power in Your Life
- 5 Steps to Free Your Life from Bondage
- Why the Bible is Essential for Successful Living & 3 Steps to Absorb It
- 5 Reasons Why Pursuing Holiness Will Lead to Your Happiness