Grace Capital Church Blog

Three Secrets to Living a Life that Glorifies God

Written by By Mark Warren | May 6, 2024 5:22:58 PM
When people look at you, what do they see?  Does your behavior look like most everyone else’s or do they see something different about you?  Does your personal relationship with God impact your public persona?  Does your life make God look attractive or unimportant and unattractive?  Do you want to learn more about how your life can glorify God?

As Christians, we often struggle to live a life that reflects Jesus’ teachings. However, when we read through the Bible, especially letters like the ones Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, we can find nuggets of wisdom that can guide our daily lives and help us be more like Jesus.

The apostle Paul, who wrote the book of 1 Thessalonians, wasn't always a fan of Jesus. He was an adversary at first. He didn't just ignore Jesus; he actively tried to crush Christians. But then, amazingly, Paul had a big encounter with Jesus that changed his life forever.  After that, he became a missionary, traveling to many regions and telling everyone that Jesus died and rose again so all who believed him could receive forgiveness of sin, adoption into God’s family, and eternal life.

In his first letter to the believers in Thessalonica (still a city today), Paul expressed excitement because their lives demonstrated that they were maturing in their faith. They were becoming more like Jesus, and it was making a tangible difference in their community.

So, let's dive into 1 Thessalonians and learn three secrets from Paul about living a life that glorifies God. We will examine how our Actions, Influence, and Perseverance can help us better resemble Jesus.

1. Actions

Actions speak louder than words. 

When we read Paul's letter to the Thessalonians, we're not just reading an old letter. We're getting advice from someone who was changed by Jesus. So, what can we learn from Paul about our actions?  

Paul teaches us about a couple of important concepts:  "work of faith” and “labor of love”.  One particularly helpful way to see these ideas in action is by relating them to gardening.  Let me tell you about my garden.

When I plant seeds, it's a bit like a "work of faith." I put seeds in the ground, not knowing exactly what will happen but hoping for a good harvest. I do the right things to get good results even though I do not yet know the outcome. The same goes for us as Christians. When we live out our faith, we plant seeds of hope everywhere we go. We might not immediately see the results, but we trust God is at work.

Then there's the "labor of love." In gardening, I love the harvest I get from my work. This love motivates my labor. As Christians, our love for people makes us determined to labor for them by sacrificially sharing the gospel message through our words and actions.  It's not just doing something out of obligation but because you care.

Jesus demonstrated His love for us on the cross; because of His love, we can show love to others.

This kind of love changes the world!  


2. Influence

How and Who are you influencing?  

Our lives are meant to be representative of Jesus Christ.  Paul wrote about the importance of being a good example. He pointed out to the Thessalonians that he modeled what living for the Lord looks like. He said, “Imitate me, as I imitate Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1).

That's a big statement! Could you imagine saying to someone, "Copy what I do because I'm trying to be like Jesus"?  

When people see us living like Jesus, it can make a difference. Just think about the people in your life. Are you someone they could imitate? Are you showing them what Jesus is like?

Being a model for others is a big responsibility but also a big opportunity.  

It is a rewarding chance to shine God's light into the world!


3. Perseverance

There is power in perseverance.  

Finally, Paul talks about perseverance, which means we don't give up or compromise when things are hard. Paul told the Thessalonians to be encouraged by remembering that Jesus will return. His words remind all Christ's followers that Jesus will save us from all the hardships we experience.   

We must have steadfastness of hope. Life can be difficult sometimes, but Jesus is always there to help us through. Just like a ship needs a rudder to stay on course, Jesus can guide us through life's challenges. When we turn to Jesus for strength and direction, onlookers can see that we trust Jesus. 


Living a life that glorifies God isn't always easy. Sometimes, people might not understand why we do what we do because living for the Lord involves sacrifices.  The world doesn't know that having a personal relationship with God gives us all the love, security, and significance we need to experience an abundant life.   You can show them and, in so doing, glorify God by remembering and practicing the three secrets Paul shared: 

Action: Let your actions show how much you trust Jesus.

Influence: Be someone that others can look up to and see Jesus in.

Perseverance: Keep going, even when things get tough because Jesus is always with us.

Living like Jesus isn't always easy, but it's always worth it. So, let's go out there and make a difference in the world!

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