Grace Capital Church Blog

Should You Watch Shows with Explicit Content as a Christian?

Written by by Mark Warren | Jul 18, 2023 1:00:00 PM

In today's fast-paced digital era, the accessibility of a vast array of entertainment options, ranging from movies to audiobooks and TV shows, has skyrocketed. However, along with this convenience comes a significant challenge for Christians: the need to carefully evaluate the media they consume and its potential impact on their faith and values.

It is no secret that explicit content has become increasingly prevalent in many forms of entertainment.

This article sets out to explore a pressing question: Should Christians partake in shows or books that contain explicit content?  It seeks to provide three compelling reasons why it is imperative to exercise caution and mindfulness when it comes to the consumption of explicit material.

To navigate this complex issue, the article will draw upon the Bible as a guiding framework, using its timeless wisdom to help believers make informed decisions about the media they engage with.

In a digital landscape where explicit content often abounds, Christians are called to uphold their faith and values in every aspect of their lives, including their entertainment choices. By examining the potential consequences of consuming explicit material and aligning those considerations with biblical teachings, individuals can take proactive steps to protect their hearts, foster purity, and be a positive influence in a world that needs Christ-centered values more than ever before.

Protecting Your Mind and Heart

The Bible encourages believers to guard their hearts and minds diligently. Proverbs 4:23 (ESV) says, "Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life."

Your heart and mind are vulnerable to the influence of the content you consume, and explicit material can have a profound impact on your thoughts, emotions, and spiritual well-being. Watching or reading explicit material may expose you to profanity, sexual content, violence, or other elements that conflict with Christian values. By being selective in your media choices, you can better protect your mind and nurture your faith.

Explicit content can disrupt your moral compass, challenge your convictions, and create inner conflict. By being discerning in your media consumption, you actively safeguard your mind from harmful ideas and images that erode your spiritual well-being. Nurturing your faith through intentional media choices fosters spiritual growth and strengthens your relationship with God. Surrounding yourself with content that aligns with Christian values shapes your thoughts, beliefs, and perspective, enabling you to stay rooted in your faith.

Choosing to guard your mind and heart does not mean avoiding all entertainment or retreating into isolation. It means making deliberate choices to engage with media that edifies and encourages a Christ-centered worldview. By seeking out content that promotes virtues such as love, compassion, integrity, and faithfulness, you actively cultivate an environment that supports your spiritual journey.

In a world where explicit content is easily accessible, exercising discernment in media consumption becomes paramount. It allows you to safeguard your mind, nurture your faith, and navigate the digital age with wisdom and conviction.

Fostering Purity and Holiness

Christianity calls believers to pursue purity and holiness in their thoughts and actions. Philippians 4:8 (ESV) instructs, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Engaging in explicit content can be a stumbling block that diverts individuals away from these virtues. By limiting exposure to explicit material, one can cultivate a mindset aligned with values of love, kindness, and purity.

Explicit content often promotes behaviors, language, and attitudes that contradict Christian principles. By immersing oneself in such material, there is a risk of desensitization, weakening of moral convictions, and a gradual erosion of godly living. However, by intentionally choosing media that reflects truth, honor, justice, purity, and other praiseworthy qualities, individuals create an environment that supports their commitment to pursuing a life marked by purity and holiness.

Fostering a mindset grounded in purity and holiness involves actively aligning thoughts and actions with Christ's teachings. By consciously selecting media that upholds Christian values, individuals guard against the subtle influence of explicit content and nurture virtuous thoughts. Through intentional media consumption, believers create space for cultivating a heart inclined towards righteousness, fostering a life marked by purity and holiness.

Amid a culture saturated with explicit content, intentional media choices become crucial for upholding purity and holiness. By prioritizing content that reflects godly values, individuals contribute to their spiritual growth and reflect the transformative power of Christ's teachings in their lives.

Being a Positive Influence

As a Christian, you have a divine calling to be an ambassador of Christ and a beacon of light in the world. Your actions and choices carry weight and can profoundly impact those around you, both within and outside the faith. Ephesians 5:8 (ESV) beautifully captures this truth, stating, "For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light."

Engaging in explicit content can compromise your ability to fulfill this calling and be a positive influence. Such material often contradicts the principles and teachings you uphold as a follower of Christ. It can tarnish the light that should shine through you and dilute your ability to reflect Christ's love and truth to those around you.

By being mindful of the content you consume, you actively align your choices with your Christian values and convictions. This deliberate discernment enables you to better reflect Christ's love, grace, and righteousness in your interactions and relationships. It allows you to maintain integrity and consistency in your beliefs, demonstrating the transformative power of Christ's presence in your life.

By consciously selecting media that upholds Christian principles, you contribute to the creation of a more positive and Christ-centered culture. Your commitment to consuming content that reflects godly values sets an example for others and can inspire them to seek a higher standard of entertainment. Your choices become a testimony to the transformative work of Christ and a testament to the power of living in alignment with God's truth.

As you navigate the digital age, remember that your media choices hold the potential to impact others significantly. By being intentional in your consumption and reflecting Christ's love and truth, you can be a catalyst for positive change, fostering a culture that embraces godly values and contributes to the advancement of God's kingdom on Earth.

Next Steps 

While the decision to watch shows or read books with explicit content as a Christian ultimately rests with your individual conviction and discernment, it is crucial for you to approach this matter prayerfully and align your choices with biblical teachings. Guarding the amount of explicit content you consume allows you to protect your mind and heart, foster purity and holiness, and be a positive influence in the world.

By prioritizing media that edifies and reflects godly values, you can enhance your spiritual growth, maintain integrity, and honor your commitment to living as a follower of Christ.

Remember, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things" (Philippians 4:8, ESV).