Are you interested in checking out a Methodist church? Are there a few in your area and you wonder how they differ? Do you know someone who is a Methodist and you wonder what they believe? Would you like to improve your understanding of this denomination?
Although we, at Grace Capital Church, are not Methodists, because we care about helping all people know God personally, we offer this article to assist anyone drawn to the Methodist to church in finding a place to grow spiritually and relationally. If we can help in your search for the right church, reach out to us directly or by commenting below. If you you live in the Concord, NH area, we would love for you to join us at one of our Sunday services; or, you can watch us livestream.
This article explains the Methodist religion and some of their bigger churches. You will learn about origins, beliefs, and what to expect at a Sunday service. If you are considering visiting a church, or you’re just curious about the denomination, this comparison guide will help you gain a better understanding of some options.
As you consider the similarities and differences between churches, you would do well to remember a quote attributed to various authors: “in essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” As Christians, we are all a part of one universal Church and are instructed to live in unity and love amid diversity.
Here is another article that will help you determine if a given church is biblically based: 3 Essential Beliefs all Christian Churches Share
What is the Methodist Denomination?
Methodism was founded by prolific Hymn writer Charles Wesley and his brother, also a writer, John. Combined, they wrote over 6500 hymns1 ; compare that with two of biggest modern singer-songwriters - Bob Dylan at 3612 and Taylor Swift at 2743 (to date).
Today, there are several Methodist denominations. What stood out to me in my research is that church splits were driven by disagreements in how to address secular society's ideas about "diversity," with the two biggest being race and sexual orientation. Keep reading to see how these issue played out in the church bodies.
Probably the most distinctive characteristic of the Methodist Church in general is the priority it places on "class meetings" that teach parishioners how to tangibly live out Jesus' instruction found in the Gospel of Matthew 22:37-40 to love God above all else and to love your neighbor as you love yourself. They seek to fulfill this commandment through "works of piety," which focus on worship and devotion, and "works of mercy" centered on justice and compassion.
For the most part, core doctrines of each Methodist denomination align with the Bible and with other mainstream Christian denominations, specifically that:
- God is Holy and loving - Is. 6:1-5, Rev. 4:8, 1 Sam. 2:2; Ps. 86:15, 1 Jn. 4:16, Ps. 36:5-7
- We are created in God's image but we fell to sin - Gen. 1:26-27, Col. 3:10; Rom. 3:23, Rom. 6:23
- So, God sent us His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins in order that we can be born again and reconciled to God - Rom. 5:8, Jn. 3:16; 1 Pet. 1:3, Rom. 5:11
- Through Jesus, you can receive this free gift of forgiveness from sin, reconciliation with God, and eternal life if you confess you have sinned and believe Jesus died and rose again for you - 1 Jn. 1:9; Rom. 10:9
Related: How to Become a Christian in 2 Life-Saving Steps
3 of the Biggest Methodist Churches
(in historical order)
United Methodist Church (UMC)
Origin: Although its current name was adopted in 1968 (after the merger of the Methodist Church and the United Brethren in Christ Church), as is stated on their website, their roots go back to the mid-1700s.
Main Distinctions: Sadly, as of January 1, 2025, the UMC officially distanced themselves from Scripture by removing all restrictions on preachers regarding their sexual orientation or self-identified gender labels. They are intentional about battling sytemic inequity through repenting of their denomination's role in colonialism, racism, sexism, and homophobia. [To learn more, listen to this message by Dr. Ashley Boggan Dreff, General Secretary of the General Commision of Archives and History from their website accessed on Sept. 20,2024.]
Demographics: The UMC website [accessed Sept. 21, 2024] states that, nationwide, there are close to 30,000 churches.
Age |
Race |
Education |
Annual Household Income |
Party Affiliation |
58% Age 30-64
9% Age 18-29
90% White
7% Black
4% Less than High School
37% College Degree
22% Less than $30,000
26% $100,000 or More
54% Republican
35% Democrat
Pew Research Center and ResourceUMC Accessed 17 Sept. 2024 |
Factors affecting the General Feel: Services are liturgical, following the orders of worship, prayers, and other practices as laid out in their Book of Worship. According to their website [accessed Sept. 21, 2024], the order of a worship service is: Entrance (greetings, music, prayer), Proclamation and Response (preaching, music, monetary offering, prayer), Thanksgiving and Communion, and Sending Forth of the congregation to minister to the world.
African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)
Origin: Richard Allen, a former slave, led the way in establishing the AME church. Black churchgoers were being segregated at the Methodist Church of the time; so Allen began a new one. Angered by their success, the Methodist preachers attempted to take over the new congregation and when that didn't work, they sued, resulting in securing full ownership of the church property. Then the black Methodists sued in order to gain independence; after winning, they officially became the AME church in 1816.
Main Distinctions: The AME is very involved in social issues that are typically associated with the Democratic party.
Demographics: The AME website [accessed Sept. 21, 2024] states there are over 7,000 congregations.
Age |
Race |
Education |
Political Affiliation |
56% Age 30-64
16% Age 18-29
2% White
94% Black
7% Less than High School
21% College Degree
4% Republican
92% Democrat
Pew Research Center. Accessed 17 Sept. 2024 |
Factors affecting the General Feel: The order of worship includes recitation of creeds, hymn singing, Scripture reading, prayer, giving a monetary offering, and a message. Choir-led music is common.
Global Methodist Church (GMC)
Origin: A group of United Methodists formed the Global Methodist Church for the purpose of returning to orthodox views, especially noting their adherence to marriage being between one man and one woman. They officially launched on May 1, 2022.
Main Distinctions: Being that the orignal Methodist denomination was founded on the idea that carrying out one's faith should be methodical, the GMC carries on this tradition by following the Book of Doctrines and Discipline, which goes into great detail about their convictions and practices. They prioritize systematic accountability and hold clear standards for church leaders to ensure they are being led by individuals committed to living consistently with the Bible.
Demographics: The are about 4,500 congregations.
Factors affecting the General Feel: The sermons emphasize Jesus' place as Lord, and personal responsibility to pursue holiness in the way one's life is lived. Services are more spontaneous than the UMC, but they are still rather liturgical, like, for example, reciting some set prayes.
Finding the right church for you is important and there are many options! As you proceed in your search, always ensure the core beliefs of Christianity are adhered to:
- There is only One God and He is three-in-one: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- We are saved by grace, not works, only through the death (for the penalty for our sins) and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- The Bible is the inspired Word of God. [Read more about this: 3 Essential Beliefs all Christian Churches Share]
If you have questions or we can be of any assistance in helping you find a place where you can grow in your faith, comment below or reach out to us.
If you live in the Greater Concord, NH area, we’d love for you to come visit us! Check out service times and where to find us here.
Or, join us during a livestream from anywhere in the world.
Do you want to learn more about what it means to be a Christian and how to find a church?
Check out these articles:
- How to Become a Christian in 2 Life-Saving Steps
- 3 Essential Beliefs all Christian Churches Share
- 4 Sects Mistaken as Christian & How they're Unsound
- 6 Tips for Choosing the Right Church For You
- 4 Reasons to Become a Church Member
2Works Cited
- Dinwiddie, R. D. (2020, April 8). Two brothers ... who changed the course of Church singing: For 57 years, John and Charles Wesley wrote an average of three hymns per week. Christianity Today.
- Dafoe, R. (2023, Sept. 3). The Top 20 Most Recorded Rock Songwriters. Mostly Music Covers.
- Sheffield, R. (2024, April 25). Rolling Stone.