Are you interested in reading the Bible but don't know where to start? Have you completed reading one of the books of the Bible and looking for suggestions on where to go next? Would it be helpful to get a sneak peak on each book's theme and a couple suggestions on which ones will equip you in your stage of life?
This article will help! Through a handful of questions to help you hone in on what your soul needs, and a list of Bible books with their core messages, you will gain timely direction on how to get the most out of God's Word.
Scripture is the Living Word meant to be active in your life (Heb. 4:12), providing wisdom, direction, inspiration, and strength (Ps. 119:105). Before choosing your next book of the Bible, let's consider a couple of principles that will help you glean all that God has for you as you read and follow His Word.
Discover Meaning:
Understanding Scripture is challenging. There are many resources available to help you with this. One of my favorites is using a study Bible filled with notes providing context and meaning. I have also found several online sources that have given me a lot of clarity. In another article, I share five of my go-to websites - the title and link are in the "next steps" section below. The article also gives important principles of interpretation and tips on other resources that will boost your comprehension. For now, let me just say that if someone teaches something that seems to contradict the Bible, pause before believing, pray for wisdom, and pursue clarity by searching the Bible for Truth.
Apply the Word:
If you're interested in reading the Bible, there's a reason - your soul was made to connect deeply with God (Ps. 42:1-2). Reading and obeying His Word is the way to do that. James 1:22-25 says, " But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing."
Read Often:
Jesus is the Word who came in the flesh (Jn. 1:1-5); so, getting to know Jesus includes getting to know His Word. You can do this by reading Scripture daily. Today, there are many ways to read the Bible besides a handheld book. God's Word is available through websites like BibleGateway where you can read or listen to it read aloud. BibleGateway also offers an app to download and access on your mobile device anytime anywhere.
Determine What You Need:
Many times, people try reading the Bible in the same way as most other books - beginning on page one with the intent of reading straight through to the end. While it is worthwhile to read the entire Bible, doing so as a novice can be very challenging due, in part, to its length and nonchronological order of the books. Even if you have been a Christian for many years, it can often be more meaningful to focus on one book at a time; and to choose the book based on its message's application to your life's circumstances or to how God is moving in your heart.
To help you determine what guidance and inspiration you need from God right now, here are some questions to ask yourself.
- What life circumstances are affecting you the most?
- How are your circumstances affecting you?
- What thoughts or feelings are most prevalent in your daily life?
- What decisions do you need to make?
- What are you curious about or what would you like to learn?
- Is there an area of personal development you would like to focus on?
- Between God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit, is there one from you feel distant?
Choose What to Read:
Now that you've thought and prayed about what is going on in your inner being, let's take a look at the books of the Bible and their themes.
Genesis & Exodus -
Recounting the journey from God's original design to destruction and then onward to restoration, Genesis and Exodus can help you understand the Lord's plan for His people. It provides insight on how turning away from God brings hardship while looking to Him brings provision, peace, and joy.
Leviticus -
After being rescued from slavery in Egypt, God taught the Hebrew people that law & order are essential to experiencing a good life under the holy God. It explains the necessary discipline of sin confession so we can be intimitely connected to the Lord. Reading about the animal sacrifices will help you understand how Jesus was the perfect Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world once and for all (Jn. 1:29).
Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua -
During the Israelites' time in the wilderness, they needed to learn how to replace their mindset of slavery with a mindset of liberation. God prepared them for a new life of freedom by giving them commandments and teaching them to trust Him. These are helpful books if you are in bondage to a destructive habit, have acknowledged your need for rescue, and are looking for the path of life.
Judges, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles -
These books include a dizzying number of people that turned away from God and practiced evil. They make clear that sin has consequences - it destroys the lives of sinners and brings suffering to those who are sinned against. In the process of recounting this time in history and sharing about a few faithful people, God teaches us how to live in obedience to Him.
Amos, Obadiah, Micah -
It can be easy to downplay sin. But, doing so is a slippery slope which leads to heartbreak and separation from God. These books will help you understand the seriousness of sin and help protect you from destroying your life.
Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai -
Due to the Israelites' persistence in turning away from God, they eventually fell captive into the hands of surrounding nations who were practicing unspeakable forms of sin. In time, the Lord rescued the Hebrew people and gathered them back to their home country, where He helped them rebuild after great tragedies. These accounts show how rebuilding includes renewed devotion to God.
Ruth & Esther -
Through two women, God brings about parts of His beautiful plan for His people. These two books give encouragement and a vision for remaining devoted to God when surrounded by disobedient people in your home and in society. It addresses topics like self-reliance, standing up for truth, and risking it all to follow the Lord.
Job, Psalms, Lamentations, Hosea -
The words and emotions contained in these books can be uncomfortable to read. They capture the real impact of suffering and how Satan uses pagans in his attempts to destroy Christ-followers. If you are experiencing great hardship, persecution, or rejection, the message here is that God is present, sovereign, and good even through our darkest times. Through these books, God will uplift your spirit, allow you to hear from those who can relate, help you persevere, and give you hope in the Lord.
Proverbs & Ecclesiastes -
Being bombard by worldly ideas can make it easy to compromise righteousness. Receiving short-term benefits of sinful choices shroud the truth that such lifestyles eventually lead to destruction in areas like relationships, stability, peace, and soul-satisfaction. To thrive, we need wisdom in every aspect of life; and this is only achievable through God. Proverbs and Ecclesiastes provide specific direction and general understanding on how to have a meaningful life built on the Lord.
Song of Solomon -
I don't remember ever hearing a sermon on this book of the Bible. Perhaps pastors consider it too racey for the general congregation to hear. Yet, every part of the Bible is valuable and essential for experiencing abundant life. The Song of Solomon provides a picture of God's design for marriage, and helps us conceptualize God's love for His people.
Isaiah, Zechariah, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Revelation -
As Christians, our true citizenship is in heaven. Walking the earth will never feel wholely natural even when we are walking in Christ's fullness. Our souls pine to be in God's physical presence, and waiting for the return of Jesus can be heartbreaking. If you are feeling raw, these books will renew your hope in knowing Jesus is coming!
Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joel, Zephaniah, Malachi -
It can sometimes be easy to fool ourselves into thinking we are getting away with sin, and that God will graciously keep all the good things in our lives in tact as He patiently awaits our return to Him. While the Lord is abounding in grace and will forgive, our choices have tangible consequences. These books highlight the urgency of turning from sin and back to God so we will not fall into great destruction. If you are actively engaged in a sinful lifestyle, these books will provide a vision for the restoration available from the Lord when you walk away from sin and trust God through obedience.
Daniel, Nahum, Habakkuk -
These Scriptures give inspiration for obeying God when surrounded by pagans, and encouragement that God will rescue His people from evildoers. At times, whether at work, school, or society in general, it can feel like opposers of God have the upperhand when we are trying to live obediently. Ridicule, demotions, exclusion, and other forms of unfair treatment are all in Satan's playbook. If you are experiencing persecution or discouragement, these stories of a few faithful believers will uplift your soul and give you a vision for God's good purposes.
Jonah -
God's desire is that everyone would turn to Him and receive salvation. This truth is especially apparent in the book of Jonah, telling the story of how he was commanded by God to bring the message of salvation to a nation guilty of ruthless treatment toward the Hebrew people. It shows how we as Christians can become hardened and spiteful toward evildoers. If you are struggling to love unbelievers in your life, this book will be especially helpful.
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John -
The first four books of the New Testament tell the story of Jesus' life and what it means to follow Him. They clearly state that Jesus is the Messiah, sent to pay the penalty of our sins by dying on the cross so we can be reconciled to God. By rising from the dead, He made a way for us to live eternally through Him. Whether you are a new Christian, have been a Christ-follower for many years, or have not yet determined if you believe in God, the gospels provide a way to know Jesus intimately.
Acts & Romans -
After Jesus returned to heaven, His followers were left with the commandment to love God and people, and to spread the gospel message throughout the world. The book of Acts tells the story of what happened immediately after Jesus ascended. Through members of the early church, it demonstrates how to live out our faith. The book of Romans goes hand-in-hand with Acts by clearly explaining the foundations of faith in Christ, grounding us and equipping us to spread the gospel.
Ephesians, Philippians, 1 & 2 Timothy, 1 Peter -
These Scriptures provide encouragement and strength on the journey of walking with the Lord. Suffering and persecution are unavoidable when living for Christ because we have a spiritual enemy - Satan. It is essential that we remain connected to and unified with the family of God. Knowing this, the authors of these books gave wise instruction on how to build a healthy church community as well as a pragmatic operational church structure.
1 Corinthians, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John -
Truth and love are the themes of these four books. By pointing out false teachings and reminding believers of the Truth, they point Christians back to the core of love. Filled with teachings on specific human behaviors that honor or dishonor God, readers can gain wisdom in how to experience genuine freedom in Christ and vibrant relationships.
2 Corinthians, Galatians, Colossians, Hebrews, 2 Peter, Jude -
The purpose of these books is to dispel heresy and explain the Truth. Many religious people in biblical times taught that faith in Christ was not enough. The false teachers instructed believers to practice legalism, mysticism, and aceticism. Today, Christians can caught up in heresies, too - either due to lacking understanding or pressures to assimilate to society. Through these Scriptures you can get a fuller picture of the sufficiency of Christ, mature in you faith, and be bolstered in your endurance.
Titus, Philemon, James -
These three books give practical teachings on right Christian behavior. They demonstrate the connection between faith and works. Additionally, they provide instructions for leading and being the church so healthy relationships can be built, and unbelievers can see the love of God in action.
Next Steps:
The Bible is the Living Word of God. Growing closer to God involves reading Sripture and applying it to your life. It is meant to transform you so you can experience the fullness of Christ. As you read the Bible, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and teach you in all wisdom.
To help you dive in, understand, and apply the Word of God, consider taking one of these next steps
- Get a bird's-eye view of the whole Bible by reading this artice: Bible Recap 101: Your Essential Guide to the Bible's Core Storyline.
- Use a reading plan. The website, BibleStudyTools offers many types, including, plans on the whole Bible, chronological events, prophecies, and the life of Christ. Or, check out our 1-Year Bible Reading Plan on Healthy Living.
- Join or start a Bible Journaling Group where each person journals on designated Scripture passages, and then shares with each other what they journaled. Check out this article for a helpful format: How to Read the Bible Using the S.O.A.P. Method.
- Join a Bible Study at your church.
- Use biblically accurate online sources to help you comprehend the Bible. We have an article that can get you started in the right direction, called: 5 of the Best Websites for Everyday Christians to Understand the Bible.
- Meditate on God's Word. If meditation is new for you, I'd suggest reading this article: How to Meditate as a Christian (with Scriptures on Wisdom & Guidance).
You can never go wrong by reading the Bible. You might not understand all of it, but God will always do good things in you through His Word (Is. 55:11). Comment below and let us know what you've been reading! Reach out if we can help on your journey through the Scriptures.
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