Are you motivated to grow in your faith? Can you benefit from some outside input at this stage in your development? Is there an area of life for which you're seeking wisdom? Are there things about God you're struggling to understand? Have you considered listening to sermons online? While prayer, Bible reading, and attending church are all key ingredients to spiritual growth, receiving biblical teachings beyond your church's weekly services can play a big role in cultivating Christian maturity.
In this article, you will find links to some engaging and informative sermons by several pastors on a variety of topics. As you start listening, you will likely find that you connect well with a couple of the speakers; take note of them so you can return for more.
Because it is important to ensure each pastor's beliefs are biblical, I have included links to their churches or organizations so you can read their statements of faith. Make it a habit to check them first to verify reliability before following a particular Christian teacher.
Not sure what to look for? In a nutshell, the following core beliefs are essential:
There is only One God and He is three-in-one: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We are saved by grace, not works, only through the death (for the penalty for our sins) and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Bible is the inspired Word of God.
For more understanding on the core beliefs, read our article, titled: "3 Essential Beliefs All Christian Churches Share."
We at Grace Capital Church care about your wellbeing and growth; and we understand the value of solid teachings about important subject matters. The sermons listed in this article will help as they address several big topics, like, what it means to follow Christ, how to apply God's Word in your life, difficult questions about God's character, building strong relationships, and sharing the gospel with unbelievers.
At the end of this article, you will find links to a few sermons from our church as well. We invite you to peruse all our archived messages, reach out with questions, and attend our services in-person or livestreamed online.
Headlined by topic, here are some of my favorite online sermons:
Becoming a Christian
“What Does It Mean to Be Born Again” by, Billy Graham.
Length: 27-minutes
The late Billy Graham was a prolific evangelist credited with leading millions of people to salvation. His simple, straightforward sermon focuses on the core gospel message - that Jesus died for our sins so we can be forgiven and reconciled to God. Read more about him at the website for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
Identity of Jesus Christ
“The Exclusivity of Jesus - Part 1” by, Michael Youssef.
Length: 49-minutes (The video shows the entire church service; the sermon begins 33-minutes into the video.)
Dr. Michael Youssef pastors at The Church of the Apostles in Georgia. As a young adult, he fled his native country of Egypt during wartime; and after several years of living in Lebanon and Australia, he moved to the United States. He has authored many books, and has preached all over the world.
This sermon is the first in an 8-part series. Listening to all of them will provide a rich picture of Jesus. To be connected with God, we need Jesus whose death and resurrection reconcile us to God. Receiving forgiveness and eternal life are only possible by receiving Jesus as Savior and Lord.
Forgiving Others
“Forgiveness [Matthew]” by, Tim Mackie
Length: 54 minutes.
Tim Mackie, previously a pastor and professor, is the co-founder of the BibleProject which, through dynamic videos, podcasts, classes, and articles, helps people understand the Bible and how it applies to our lives.
Forgiveness is complex. It involves pain, grief, fear, anger, and confusion. Mackie masterfully explains what forgiveness is and is not. He teaches the importance and purpose of God's command to forgive, the consequences of unforgiveness, and the gifts received through obeying Him.
Overcoming Temptation
“How Can I Overcome Temptation” by, David Jeremiah
Length: 24-minutes
Dr. David Jeremiah is a pastor at Shadow Mountain Church in California. He is also the founder of Turning Point, an organization providing Christian resources, including radio and television broadcasts, a mobile app, magazines, books, and more.
Beginning by pointing out that everyone is tempted and that being tempted is not a sin, Jeremiah goes on to provide six biblical principles and practices that will guard you and empower you to flee from temptation. He admonishes Christians to replace temptation with passion for God.
“The What and How of Sharing our Faith” by, Greg Laurie
Length: 40-minutes
Greg Laurie is an author, evangelist, and pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in California. His story of coming to faith in Jesus Christ and how he entered full-time ministry is told in the 2023 film, Jesus Revolution.
In this sermon, Laurie gives practical suggestions on how to fulfill the Great Commission of sharing the gospel. Through looking at how Jesus began conversations, he provides a vision for approaching and engaging unbelievers in life-giving conversations. He encourages Christians to be ready when moments arise to share their testimony. His sermon also presents the concise gospel message to ensure Christians can accurately communicate it.
Understanding the Gospel
“Compelled: Speaking and Living the Gospel” by, Tim Mackie
Length: 44-minutes.
This sermon allows believers to dive deeper into understanding what they believe. Mackie reveals mistaken views of Christianity and clarifies the core gospel message, allowing us to be prepared to effectively share it. His message includes an animated video explaining heaven, earth, and where the two overlap.
Spiritual warfare
“Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table” by, Louie Giglio
Length: 51-minutes.
Louie Giglio is a pastor at Passion City Church in Georgia, as well as the cofounder, with singer, Chris Tomlin, of Passion Conference.
In this engaging sermon, Giglio teaches what Psalm 23:5 means when it says that the Lord prepares a feast for us to enjoy even while experiencing oppression. Through giving contextual insight on the nature of sheep, he helps listeners connect more deeply with the significance of how God sees us and takes care of us .
Sabbath Rest
“The Rest-Giver” by, Timothy Keller
Length: 40-minutes
Timothy Keller was the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York. He was also a theology professor, Christian apologist, and author of several books. Find his books, sermons, and articles at Gospel in Life.
In this sermon, Keller teaches why taking a Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments, and how obeying it is essential for living in dependence on and freedom in Christ. Modern society is plagued by overscheduling, sleep-deprivation, and exhaustion. Even churches fall into the trap of over-filling Sundays with programs, meetings, and other forms of work that can wait. Being too busy is an obstacle to developing intimacy with God. This message will help you explore the meaning of rest, its role, and obstacles to obeying God's commandment.
“Praying Our Anger” by, Timothy Keller
Length: 41-minutes
It can be challenging to understand how to constructively process and respond when feelings of anger appear. In this eye-opening sermon, Keller dives into the rawness of fierce anger, the humanity of it, and what to do when it arises. Preaching through Psalm 137, he reveals how the psalmist processed anger, and dispels the myth that anger is sin. He encourages honesty in acknowledging feelings, and admonishes us to transparently talk to the Lord so that He can lead us on the path of dealing with it fruitfully.
“The Joy of the Lord is Your Stronghold” by, John Piper
Length: 54-minutes
In addition to being a theologian, pastor, professor, and author, John Piper is the founder of Desiring God which provides podcasts, articles and messages for spiritual development.
Preaching from the Book of Nehemiah, Piper shows how the Hebrew people addressed intense grief that resulted from the evil they experienced while living in captivity. Anyone who has experienced deep pain or suffering can understand that joy is something different than happy feelings. True joy is about much more than thinking positive thoughts. The reality is that life circumstances bring pain; but miraculously, through Jesus, we can simultaneously have joy. It is a gift from God, not produced by humans. It is placed in the depth of the soul by the Holy Spirit. If you're looking for a simple happy message, this isn't the right sermon for you. If, however, you are looking to grasp true, lasting joy, this sermon will be enlightening and helpful.
Evil in the World
"Why Does God Allow So Much Suffering and Evil?" by, John MacArthur
Length: 65-minutes.
John MacArthur is pastor of Grace Community Church in California. He also heads up a wide-reaching radio and television broadcast called, Grace to You.
In this sermon, MacArthur courageously goes to great length in thorougly explaining how God is still good even with the presence of evil in the world. This subject is a big stumbling block for many non-Christians to accept that God is good. As Christ-followers, it can be hard to know how to explain it. Truth be told, some of John's sermon is uncomfortable to hear as it looks at the relationship between God and evil. His message is consistent with the Westminster Confession of Faith, written in the 17th century by a team of over 100 clergymen. As you listen to him teach about the sovereignty and justice of God, it would be helpful to remember that God is beyond what our minds can fully comprehend.
“Depression: The Pit of Despair” by, Marty Grubbs
Length: 30-minutes
Marty Grubbs is a pastor at Crossing Community Church in Oklahoma.
In this sermon, Grubbs makes himself vulnerable by sharing his personal experience with clinical depression. Though it is more acceptable to talk about mental health in churches today, it is typically oversimplified. Marty dispels the myth that depression is a sin. He points out biblical characters who suffered with depression despite their obedience to God. He goes even further by sharing what the Scriptures reveal about Jesus' experience with deep turmoil - deeper, in fact, than any of us can fully understand. The message is both encouraging for those suffering with a mental health issue and practical for the Body of Christ in understanding how to be supportive.
"The Battle for Your Mind" by, Adrian Rogers
Length: 45-minutes.
The late Adrian Rogers was the founder of Love Worth Finding Ministries, broadcasting biblical teachings. By going directly to the ministry's website, you can access sermon notes and audio.
In this sermon, Rogers assists listeners with understanding the seriousness of spiritual warfare, and helps equip Christians with weapons for victory. He teaches that we must guard our minds and seek God for the strength to avoid giving in to destructive fleshly desires. He shows how God speaks to us and changes us by renewing our minds, and how we can walk in the authority of Christ when Satan attacks.
“Jesus on Marriage” by, J.D. Greear
Length: 28-minutes
J.D. Greear is a pastor at The Summit Church in North Carolina. In addition, he is a council member of The Gospel Coalition, and has authored many books.
In this charismatic sermon, Greear presents specific teachings of Jesus and the purpose of why God created marriage. He explains the Scriptural foundation of a lasting marriage. If you are married or engaged, this message will help you know how to strengthen your relationship.
“God’s Plan in Singleness” by, J.D. Greear
Length: 28-minutes
In this sermon, Greear gives a much needed message that is typically overlooked in the Church. He dispels the myth that marriage is the path to completeness. He shows what Scripture says about how Jesus defines family. Understanding Jesus' definition will help those who are single to grasp the role God's family plays in life, and encourages people to prioritize developing these relationships.
"The Tale of Two Trees" by, Louie Giglio
Length: 41-minutes
In this sermon, Giglio delves deeply into the meaning of family. Through Jesus, we can be grafted into God's family. This can only happen by confessing your sin and receiving forgiveness through Christ's death on the cross. When born again you become a child of God. From that foundation, you are equiped to share with your earthly family God's love, forgiveness, the Lord's message of healing, and an invitation to become part of God's family.
3 of my favorite Grace Capital Church sermons
- Grounded in Generosity by, Mark Warren
- Not a Fan of Organized Church? You May Have a Problem With Jesus by, Bill Pelletier
- God's Heart for the Immigrant by, Victoria Adewumi
Spiritual growth involves intention, discipline, and commitment. Developing the practices of reading the Bible, praying, attending church services, and regularly spending time with other Christians will strengthen your inner being. Living out your faith by applying Scripture will develop maturity. But oftentimes, the Bible can be challenging to understand and, thereby, make obedience more difficult.
Listening to reputable pastors and Bible teachers expound on Scripture can increase your understanding, offer encouragement, and provide motivational vision for walking faithfully with the Lord.
As you listen to these sermons, I pray that you will connect deeply with our loving Heavenly Father, be strengthened, and be spurred on to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the lost.
More Articles to help you Grow Closer to God:
- 6 Tips for Choosing the Right Church For You
- Which Christian Denomination is Right for Me?
- 5 of the Best Websites for Everyday Christians to Understand the Bible
- How to Pick a Book of the Bible to Read
- How to Read the Bible Using the S.O.A.P. Method
- 5 Ways to Build a Relationship with God (and Feel Fulfilled)
- Bible Recap 101: Your Essential Guide to the Bible's Core Storyline
Are you looking for a church in the Concord, NH area? We invite you to join us in-person or livestream. Grace Capital Church is located at 542 Pembroke Street in Pembroke, NH.