Grace Capital Church Blog

3 Crucial Ingredients to Healthy Relationships

Written by Barna Group | Dec 21, 2021 12:15:00 PM

"In 2006, researchers at Duke found that the number of people Americans had important conversations with dropped from three in 1985 to two in 2006." 

That was concerning, but it was nothing compared to the alarms triggered by another finding from the same study: "a quarter of Americans said they had no one to talk to about ‘important matters.'"

This is just one of the fascinating insights you’ll find in The Loneliness Epidemic a new book by Susan Mettes that features original Barna data.

Today, in the reality of the COVID pandemic, loneliness can be even harder to avoid and respond to, which is why we strongly encourage you to add this book to your reading list.

The Loneliness Epidemic not only paints a clear picture of both the causes and effects of loneliness, but it also offers a solution: nurturing relationships that feature belonging, closeness and reasonable expectations. 

Mettes explains that when our relationships have all three elements, they become stable and life-giving. But when one of these key ingredients is missing, the imbalance can lead to problems. 

If you’re experiencing loneliness, or you want to be intentional about nurturing healthy relationships we have a group for you.  Find a group that best meets your needs for the season you are in and make a decision to connect.